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TOWER GROVE COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK 2008-2009 CHILD’S NAME______________________________BIRTHDATE____________________________ CHILD’S NAME______________________________BIRTHDATE____________________________ CHILD’S NAME______________________________BIRTHDATE____________________________ PARENT’S NAME______________________ PARENT’S NAME_____________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________CITY____________________ ZIP______________ STARTING DATE OF CARE___________________________________________________________ The following is a list of rules and regulations governing our child care agreement. Please read this handbook thoroughly
as it contains many important policies and procedures that pertain to the care of your child. If you have any questions or
need clarification, please ask prior to signing! The contents of this contract and all forms required for enrollment are non-negotiable. ENROLLMENT PROCEDURES All necessary forms must be completed and returned to me before I will assume the responsibility of caring for your child.
No Exceptions! All forms must be updated at least every year, sometimes sooner according to need. Please inform me immediately
of any changes. Listed below you will find the list of forms that you need to return to TGCP Forms needed: *Registration Form *Immunization Record
AGES SERVED The ages of the children I serve are 0 to 5 yrs.. I am available for after school or no school days to care for older children. Arrangements must be made in advance. I Cannot provide transportation but I can Pick-up or drop off at a bus location near my home. DAYS AND HOURS OF OPERATION TGCP is open Monday - Friday 24 hrs. and Saturday- Sunday by appt. only.
SIGN-IN SHEETS There is a sign in sheet on the entrance door. Please sign your child in and out each day.
PRESCHOOL PROGRAM TGCP is proud to offer a preschool program September to June of each year. This program targets children ages 0 to 5 yrs. Activities include circle time, calendar time, weather chart, group activities and discussion and 1-2 crafts per day. We also incorporate morning and afternoon outside play when weather allows. Children under school age do not play outdoors when it is below 30 degrees. There are many learning stations in our daycare playroom. There is a housekeeping area, blocks and trucks, puzzles and books, dress up items and much more!OUR DAILY SCHEDULE 6:30-8:30a.m. .......Arrival times, free (quiet) play 8:35-9:30a.m. ......Breakfast 9:35-10:00a.m. .......Clean up, free play 10:10-10:50a.m. ........Morning outside time 11:00-11:30a.m..... Morning group time ( Learning sheets, art activity ) 11:30-12:30......... Free choice center activities ( small group projects ) 12:30-1:00a.m.....Lunch time ( served family style ) 1:10-1:30.. ..........Clean-up lunch, children may go outside while cots are laid out 1:30-3:30................ Rest time ( children are required to stay on thier cots. They don't have to sleep but they must rest quietly ) 3:35-4:20.............Snack time ( some children start to leave as after school children may arrive. Homework and outside time is offered to all ) 4:20-5:30 ............Free time ( outside time or upstairs indoor play ) 5:30-6:00...........Yard clean up and after school children leave ( Evening children arrive. Dinner is started and Evening craft set out )
This schedule is just an example of our day, and is followed as closely as possible. In the event that your child needs to be picked up or dropped off at rest time, please make arrangements beforehand so we do not disturb the other children. Also if you will not have your child here for a scheduled meal, please let me know so I can plan accordingly. Thank you! ABSENCES/LATE ARRIVAL If your child will be absent or late, please call to let me know. This will help us plan our day and is especially helpful in planning meals. Your child’s absence will NOT reduce your weekly fee. If you do not arrive on time, and have not called, you risk us not being available to take your child.
ARRIVING ON TIME Please remember that this is a business not a babysitting service. I have children of my own and they are very busy with school and activities and I need to be available to them each day after business hours. If you suspect that you may be late in picking up your child, you will need to arrange for a back up person to come in your place. Please don't assume that I will be available to stay with your child. In the event that you use a backup person to come for your child, please call me in advance and instruct this person to show me their photo identification upon arrival. As a reminder, your child care hours are outlined in your contract, if you are scheduled to arrive at 4:30, please stick to this schedule as closely as possible. If you cannot you MUST call to see if I am available to keep your child the additional time.
HOLIDAYS TGCPis closed all major holidays. The following are observed holidays:*New Years Day *Memorial Day *July 4th *Labor Day *Thanksgiving Day *Day after Thanksgiving *Christmas Eve *Christmas Day *New Years Eve Please arrange for back-up care if needed. These are paid holidays and your fee will not reduce during daycare closure. Depending on the day of the week that certain holidays fall, I may also close the day before or the day after. If any normally observed holiday is on Saturday or Sunday, I will take off the Friday before or the Monday after. Generally this would be the same day that most businesses observe. In the event that I must leave for an appointment, my sister or a friend substitutes for me. In the event this happens I will do my best to let everyone know that I will be absent for a short period of time and who will be in my place. CHILDCARE RATES Your weekly childcare rate is outlined in your Financial Agreement. As stated in that document, upon acceptance into TGCP , and the signing of the contract, you will be required to pay a security/holding deposit. You may pay weekly fees by cash or check. Payments must be made on each Monday by 5:30 p.m. If payment is not received by 5:30pm Monday, this will result in immediate suspension until all fees and late fees are paid. Continuing to pay late fees will result in immediate termination of your contract and you will lose your position at TGCP.What you pay will buy quality childcare, nutritious meals, and a nurturing environment for your child. Your fees must provide my income including taxes and social security. Beyond that, your fees pay for special childcare insurance, training, food, toys, equipment, art supplies, and all of the other things that your child will use. Like other self employed workers, Family Child care providers do not receive the benefits many employees take for granted. These include health/dental insurance, life insurance, retirement/pension, paid personal days, workers comp, paid vacations, flexible time off and unemployment insurance. These benefits often amount to as much as 35% of an employees wages. Unlike other forms of self-employment family childcare is very restrictive. There is no room for growth. The state dictates the size of my business and I cannot take time off for appointments or obligations without careful planning and covering of my responsibilities. To protect my rights and income, you will find that a guaranteed wage is part of my contract. To protect precious time with my family you will find late fees in this contract. Most people have a 40-hour work week. Mine is 55 hours and up and that does not include my training, preparation, bookkeeping, paperwork, shopping or cleaning time. I really do NOT want the extra fees, but it’s unfair to have family’s cutting into my already limited family time. I hope this gives you a better picture of the true cost of childcare. LATE FEE’S / ADDITIONAL FEE’S You will be required to contract for specific times and days in which you will need care for your child. Any additional hours must be approved by TGCP and will only be available at an additional fee.NSF CHECKS Checks are always an acceptable form of payment until you present me with a bad check. You are responsible for all charges I may incur from my bank as a result of your bad check. You will also be charged $40 or the amount currently allowed by law. Childcare will be halted until you reimburse me the amount of the check and all expenses that have incurred. Reimbursement will be in cash only. Future payments will be required to be made in cash. In the event you do not pay for this NSF check, you can expect to be taken to small claims court to settle the dispute. MEALTIMES Breakfast 8:30a.m.- 9:30 a.m. Lunch 12:30p.m.- 1:00p.m Snack 3:30p.m These times are approximate. All meals are nutritious and are served according to federal nutrition guidelines. Children are never expected to clean their plate, but are asked to try everything just once. If your child has any allergies please let me know. At no time should your child bring food from home unless enough is brought for all. Please allow your child time to finish all uneaten food prior to arriving inside TGCP. If your child wishes to bring an occasional treat, please call me to verify quantity and approved foods. All treats etc, must arrive in sealed packages. We practice manners at childcare. We use thank you, please, your welcome and many more! All children join us at the dinner table, learn proper seating and table manners. Children will help set tables and prepare the table and meal when possible. Children will also help unset the table and clean up afterwards. Menus are posted on the bulletin board weekly.INFANT FORMULA AND BABY FOOD Infant formula and baby food will be provided by you for your child until he/she turns age 1. If your child is taking breast milk, there are a few extra steps that you will need to follow. #1 Please make sure your child has made the transition to a bottle prior to their first day at daycare. #2 Please send more than enough breast milk for us each day. #3 All breast milk should come in tightly sealed bottles. #4 Bottles must be packaged in a spill proof zipped bag. #5 A separate iced cooler will be supplied for storage of milk. #6 Protective gloves will be worn by anyone handling breast milk at TGCP .#7 All breast milk/supply bottles will be sent home with you each evening. SAFETY I pride myself in having a warm, loving and safe environment in which your child can explore, learn and experience many different things. Some features that help insure your child’s safety are: Inside *Adequate Ventilation through out the home. *There are no guns or firearms on premises. *Gates are used on stairways when infants under 18 months are present. *Fire extinguishers are maintained properly. *Toys are age appropriate and in safe manner. *Electrical outlets are covered. *Pens, pencils and office supplies are out of reach. *Knives and scissors are kept out of reach. *Cleaners and chemicals are out of reach. *The hot water heater is regulated at 120 Degree’s. * Medications are out of reach. *A well-stocked first aid kit is kept near and expiration dates observed. *Animals are child friendly and properly immunized and in good health. *Provider is CPR and First Aid certified. OUTSIDE *Safe grassy area’s to play. *Playground free of splinters and harmful objects. *Safety approved play equipment and toys. *Yard routinely treated to prevent insects. *Entire back yard is fenced and gate locked. INSURANCE TGCP does carry Childcare Insurance. A policy is available for review.
EMERGENCIES In the event of an emergency with your child, you will be called, and if necessary the child will be transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital. You will be responsible for all medical treatment necessary for your child’s well being. This is not limited to emergency room care, ambulance visits and co-pays to your insurance company. ILLNESS AND SICK CARE The health and well being of all of the children here are of utmost importance to me. It is for the protection of the children that I must insist on strict adherence to my Health Policy. Please read it carefully. If you have any questions or doubts, regarding the statements it contains please discuss them with me now. Do not wait until your child is sick to think about what would be best for all concerned. At that point you may be making the decisions based on emotion instead of logic. Even with all of our precautions children do get sick and or hurt. Due to my concern for all of the children enrolled in my childcare there are certain guidelines that I require my clients to observe. In some cases, if your child needs to be seen by a doctor, you will be required to submit a signed report from your doctor before your child can return to child care. I will furnish you with the proper form. This is to ensure that a child does not return to childcare when he or she may be in danger of exposing someone else to an illness. Some contagious illnesses are no longer contagious after the child has been on medication for 24 hours. There are a number of immunizations required by law before your child may attend childcare. Upon application for enrollment you will be asked to bring your child’s immunization record. You will be informed of any immunizations that will be needed before your child starts childcare. Children with minor illness may attend childcare at the provider’s discretion. It is important to realize that if a child is unable to participate in the normal routine or needs more care than I can provide without neglecting the others in my care, that child must stay home. I know we both agree there are times a child needs to be with the parent for both physical and emotional comfort. There are also some illnesses that by law exclude the child from attending childcare. Some of those illnesses are but not limited to: Infectious Conjunctivitis Infectious Diarrhea Impetigo Chicken Pox Hepatitis A Scarlet Fever Scabies Lice Ringworm Strep throat I would be happy to discuss the details of any of these infections with you at your request. When a child has certain symptoms, he should be kept home or in a special setting. Some of these are:
FEVER A fever is a sign that the body is fighting some problem. The importance of a raised temperature depends on what is causing the fever. For example, if nothing else is wrong and the child had a DTP shot, the fever is not cause for the child to stay home unless it directly affects his or her ability to handle normal daily activities. There are certain times when a fever means a child should stay home. These include: An infant up to 4 months with a temp of 100 degrees or higher. A child 4-24 months with a temp of 101 degrees or higher. A child over 24 months with a temp of 101 degrees or higher. In the event of this type of temperature, the child should not return until the temperature has been gone for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medications such as Tylenol. If your child awakes with a high temp and you administer a fever reducer, this generally only lasts a few hours and I will have to call you when you arrive at work to come pick up your child. In the meantime the other children have possibly been exposed to an undiagnosed illness. VOMITING OR UPSET STOMACH A child who has been vomiting can easily spread germs through vomit. The child may also need my help. The added time to clean up after the instance takes my attention away from the other children. If your child vomits while at childcare, you will be expected to come immediately to remove your child from childcare. If you are not able to come as soon as you are called, please arrange for someone else to come pick up your child. The child must stay home until 24 hours has passed with no vomiting episodes. DIARRHEA When a child has a single loose stool, he or she does not need to be at home. However, if a child has very runny stools that cannot be contained in a diaper, or the child cannot reach the toilet in time, the stool may contaminate the childcare setting and this child must remain home. Sometimes a child may get diarrhea from antibiotics or eating something different or too much of something. If they feel well and do not need extra attention and are able to participate in normal daily activities they do not need to stay home. Children with diarrhea, who look or feel sick, or have a fever along with their diarrhea, need close attention. They should stay home until 24 hours have passed with only one bowel movement. RUNNY NOSE Children with constant runny noses that are not caused by allergies may spread germs everywhere. They may wipe their noses on their hands, then rub them on their own and others clothing and on surfaces and toys. This is a difficult one to call. Please keep in mind how you would feel if another child’s parent brought their child to care and exposed your healthy child. These instances will be handled on a case by case basis. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Other symptoms of illness that will cause some concern are: Gray or white stool, Infected skin patches, difficult or rapid breathing, pink eye, severe itching, sore throat, severe coughing, yellowish skin or eyes, spots or rashes, dark urine, headache/stiff neck, and unusual behavior. I have on file information on several common and or communicable diseases often seen in a family childcare setting. If you have any questions please feel free to inquire. It is my wish that we may work together to keep our children happy and healthy. Some of the features that help insure your child’s health are: *NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES *My health policy is strictly adhered to. *Current immunizations are required *Good hygiene is stressed at all times *Other than small infants, pacifiers are not allowed. *Children are assisted in brushing their teeth. * Infants are held while drinking from a bottle. Therefore children are not allowed to carry around or have a bottle in their beds. *Favorite blankets or sleeping toys may be brought but kept for rest time. They are not shared with the other children and will be kept out of the daycare room. *Children do not bring food or drink to childcare. (The only exceptions are pre-arranged treats) *Children do not bring toys from home. *Children are prevented from sharing cups, utensils and food *Every attempt is made to keep toys and play area’s sanitized. * Napping is done on individual cots or mats. *Food preparation is done in a safe and hygienic manner. *Menu’s follow Federal Nutritional Guidelines. MEDICATIONS If your child is on medication and it must be administered while at childcare, the medicine must be in the original container and labeled with the child’s name, doctor, name of medication, dosage and when it is to be taken. I will also have a form for you to sign giving me permission to administer the medication to your child. Medication will be given at the time or with the meal you specify and a written record kept. DIAPERING The diapering surface is waterproof and free of cracks. Disposable paper cover and latex gloves are used when changing diapers. After use, the changing table is cleaned and sprayed with a bleach and water solution for disinfecting and cleaning. Soiled diapers, wipes, gloves are immediately thrown away. Hands of the child and caregiver are washed thoroughly and dried with a paper towel. Diapers are changed as needed and are checked often. Creams, ointments and powders are not routinely used. On occasions that these products are needed it will be discussed with parents before applying. We very seldom have a problem with diaper rash. Most cases occur because of the child having been on certain medications. Cloth diapers are not used at TGCP. HAND WASHING Children’s hands are washed: Before eating. After diapering or use of toilet. When coming in from outside play. After coming in contact with a sick child and/or runny nose. After completing messy crafts or projects. Provider’s hands are washed: Before preparing food. Before feeding an infant or giving a bottle. Before and after giving medications. After diapering and or assisting a child using the toilet. After touching body secretions. And about 100 other times during the day. Hands are always dried with single use paper towels. REST TIME Infants nap at varying times and their personal schedules take precedence. By the time a child reaches one year of age, they are generally into the same nap routine as the rest of the child care group. We have rest time each afternoon between the hours of 1:00p.m. and 3:00p.m. Children are not required to fall asleep, but many do. Please understand that no child is allowed to be excluded from rest time. Children awaken early and have a very active day. Quiet activities are provided for those that wake early from rest time. Cots/mats are supplied for the children, as well as travel cribs for those that still require them. Blankets or sleep companions may be brought for rest time. If you arrive during rest time, please quietly enter and keep your child quiet on your way out as to not disturb the other children. INFANT SLEEP ARRANGEMENTS State Child Care Regulations state that all infants must sleep on their back. No wedges or blankets may be used to prop the child. All recommendations by the SIDS Back to Sleep Program are followed when caring for a sleeping infant. Please remember, your infant does need tummy time to strengthen their arms and back while awake. Back positioning is recommended for sleeping only. Infants are slept on their backs in a travel crib with nothing but a light blanket for warmth when needed.
SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR YOUR CHILD *Bottles and Nuks until age 1 yr *Diapers, a full bag and please watch their cubbies for refills *A COMPLETE change of clothing for each child *A new toothbrush *A paint shirt Please label all items and they will be kept in your child’s cubby. PROPER ATTIRE Child’s play is messy work. Your child will be cooking, painting, playing on the grass and sand, and various other activities. Please do not expect me to keep your child’s clothes clean and free from stains. The latest fashions are cute and appropriate for fancy dress and photographs but not for childcare. Excuses like "that is what she wanted to wear" or " I couldn’t get him/her to put on anything else" are not acceptable. The children will participate in all activities regardless of their dress. Please remember to replace your child’s clothing in their cubbies at least every 6 months to assure we have a garment that fits. Children (and parents) do not wear shoes when inside the home. They must take them off and keep them in the entry with their coats. This helps to keep carpets clean and the floors more sanitary for crawling infants and children. It also helps when your child has easy on/off shoes that they can do with minimum assistance.
BOTTLES, DIAPERS AND TOILETRIES For infants you must furnish bottles. If your baby requires a special formula or must be on formula past one year of age, you must also provide that. I will coordinate with you when to start the child on solids, generally this is around 4 months unless the child has medical reasons for a delay. For children of all ages, I strongly suggest you bring some baby Tylenol or a similar product to store in their cubby. This will not be used without first contacting you, however it should be left on hand for emergencies as teething and sudden fevers are best treated as soon as symptoms start. I also request that you furnish sunscreen for your child will be playing outside a lot in the warm weather. If you wish me to use any type of diapering ointment (with the exception of powder) please supply this also. By keeping these items on hand, it makes for an easier morning getting out of the house, you only need remember your child! TOYS AND PERSONAL ARTICLES FROM HOME No Toys should be brought from home. They create problems with sharing, as well as broken hearts when that toy gets lost or broken. Small toys also create a hazard to our smaller children. I am not responsible for lost, broken, or stolen objects that are brought from home.
MATERNITY LEAVE Every family has their own desires and needs when deciding on the length of maternity leave. If a position is or will be available, you have the option of paying a deposit to hold this position for you. I cannot hold this position longer than 6 weeks. If you wish to hold a position, you will need to pay 50% of the weekly rate each Friday to hold the position. I cannot hold a position for free. At the end of this 6-week period, you will be required to pay 100% of the weekly fee to continue a hold on that position or you forfeit the position and lost all monies paid until that date. VACATIONS Each year I will take two to three week's off for vacation. You will be notified at least 2 weeks in advance as to which weeks that TGCP will be closed. You will be charged for one of my weeks of vacation. Child care payments for my paid week of vacation must be left the Friday prior to the start of my vacation and will be held until the scheduled payment due date. You are required to arrange and pay for your own back-up care. Please notify me at least 2 weeks in advance as to your Family vacations. Please leave child care payments with me prior to your departure. I will hold these checks until the appropriate dates.PROVIDER ILLNESS AND EMERGENCY TIME OFF Please have back-up care available to you. I can never know when to expect an emergency or when I may become ill. The amount of notice I can give you is never known. Please be prepared so less conflicts occur. You are not charged due to this type of closing. Your fee will be pro-rated.
TOILET LEARNING I am always willing to assist a child with toilet learning. However, you child must be ready and you must be ready as well. Training takes both daycare and home participation. Toilet learning must first begin at home, once your child has shown enough readiness and willingness, we will begin the training at daycare as well. I have a wonderful handout available when your child is ready for that big step. This handout discusses readiness skills, training tips and gives you an idea of the training techniques that are used at TGCP .OUTSIDE PLAY When weather permits, we will play outside every chance we get. Please send appropriate clothing, if we have even one person lacking the appropriate clothing we will all be staying inside. Please label all attire with your child’s name. When weather is below 20 degree’s in the winter children younger than school age will not be playing outdoors. Please send your child in play clothes. We have lots of fun outdoors and don’t want to worry about grass stains in our new clothes. OPEN DOOR POLICY At TGCP you can always be assured that the door is open to you. Please feel free to drop in and check on your child, however keep in mind a child just adjusting to a new surrounding will want to leave with you when you pop in for a visit. These early drop-ins should be made when it is appropriate for you to take the child with you, or made when you can visit unnoticed as to not interrupt your child’s day. A child going through separation anxiety will most definitely react by a parent coming into the daycare and not taking them with when they depart. There will be times where I am pre-occupied with a child or unable to hear the door. Please be patient with me. You are always welcome to give me a call before you come to drop off or pick up. You are also invited to call and check on your child during the day. Please keep in mind there may be times when it is not convenient for me to run to the phone. (i.e. diaper changing, bottle feeding etc.). If the phone goes unanswered, please do not become alarmed, simply leave me a voice mail message and I do have a visual monitor on the phone which allows me quick notification of a message waiting. I will then return your call as quickly as possible. You may also communicate any information to me via email. There may be those times when something comes to you at work that you don’t want to forget to relay to me. If you have email, please feel free to drop me a line and I will generally reply during rest time.TRIAL PERIOD The first two weeks of your child’s enrollment are on a trial basis. During those first two weeks either parent or provider may terminate this agreement at a moment’s notice. The important topic here is that both parties feel this is the best situation for the children involved. After the initial two weeks, a two-week written notice by either party is required to terminate this agreement unless there is a violation of this Parent Handbook or other required forms. See Below.. TERMINATION FROM NORTHWEST COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL If you decide to remove your child from TGCP , I require a two-week written notice. You are required to pay for these two weeks. If I decide I can no longer provide care for your family I will also provide you with a two week written notice. If violations of this agreement occur, you may be given immediate termination from TGCP and all security / holding deposits will be forfeited by you. Examples of why I would terminate your child’s care include: (but are notlimited to) #1 Failure of parents to pay fee. #2 Failure to complete and sign any required forms. #3 Lack of parental cooperation. #4 Failure of child to adjust after a reasonable amount of time. #5 My inability to meet the child’s needs without additional staff #6 Gross misconduct on the part of the parent or child.
GOALS The primary goal of my daycare program us to provide a loving, safe, stimulating environment for your child while you are at work. It is important that we work together as partners and that we feel comfortable discussing your child’s needs. I look forward to a long and rewarding friendship with your child and family. As provider, I reserve the right to make changes in the child care environment without advance notice to parents, as long as any change remains within state licensing requirements and regulations. There may be updates to this parent handbook occasionally. I will give you a separate addendum as the need arises. Communication is the key, please feel free discussing your concerns with me. Thank you for your interest in finding the best possible care for your child! Welcome to Tower Grove Community Preschool! AGREEMENT I have read and fully understand this TGCP Parent Handbook. I now agree to enter into this agreement with Tawanda Boschert of TGCP. I understand that the contents of this contract may be changed at anytime by Tawanda Boschert providing two weeks written notice to me. Anytime a change is made, I will be given a new contract if I intend on continuing childcare at TGCP. I have received an exact copy of this Parent Handbook for my own records.Parent Signature______________________Date_______ Parent Signature______________________Date_______ Provider Signature_____________________Date_______ |
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